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International Convention of Faith Ministries
The vision of ICFM is to Propagate, Hold Forth, and Contend for the Word of Faith Worldwide. We can accomplish this by providing fellowship, inspiration and training.
Each year there are area meetings, regional conventions and the annual International Convention with daytime workshops tailored specifically for ministers and ministry staff.
International Convention of Faith Ministries, Inc.
5500 Woodland Park Blvd.
Arlington, Texas 76013
Tel: (817) 451-9620
Fax: (817) 451-9621
Faith Christian Fellowship
173 affiliate and associate churches, 125 churches pastored by FCF credentialed ministers, 19 affiliate and associate traveling ministries, and 879 credentialed ministers in the United States.
With membership now in the hundreds, AFCM continues to grow each year and to provide opportunities for fellowship, strengthening, unification and edification. AFCM has a network of Regional Directors who are available to every member to answer questions or discuss problems. AFCM has offices in Canada and Australia, with more countries being added. |
we are believing for THE BLESSING to be imparted into your life. Come expecting God to minister to you right where you are...and our trustees will be sharing with you what is on their hearts and personally laying hands on many in prayer.
International Convention of Faith Ministries
Word of Faith Ministries
Kenneth Copeland-Hilton Sutton-Kenneth Hagin-Larry Ollison-Jesse DuPlantis-Eastman Curtis-Mac Hammond-Jack Hayford-Joel Osteen-Joyce Meyer-Dennis Burke-John Avanzini-Brian Zahnd-Oral Roberts-Charles Capps-Vikki Burke-Steve & Cheryl Ingram-John Hagee-T. L. Osborn-Leroy Thompson-Fred Price-Brian Scott-Gerald Davis-Buddy Bell-Rick Renner-Terry Mize-Jerry Savelle-Col Stringer-Rodney Howard Browne-Mark Barclay-Mylon LeFevre-John Amato-Len & Cathy Mink-J.B. Whitfield-Billye Brim-Jim Kaseman-Terry Nance-Creflo Dollar-Carman-Billy Joe Daugherty-Keith Moore-LaDonna Taylor-Jim Willoughby-Gegg Wear-Mark Brazee-Willie George-Ed Dufresne-Tracy Harris-Freddy Hall-Chip Brim-Kate McVeigh-Terry Law-Vicki Jamison-Peterson-Mark Hankins-Stan Moore-Wayne Cochran
Kenneth Hagin Ministries
Rhema Bible Training Center
Rhema Bible Training Center |